Compression Machine Accessories
Flexural Beam Attachment

Meets ASTM C-78-18, C-293 and AASHTO T-97, T-177 specifications.
- One fixture tests both 4” and 6” beams.
Used to determine the modulus of rupture for both Center and Third Point beams with depths of either 4” or 6”.
The upper heads load bearing blocks are easily changed for center or third point test configuration for either size beam. Bottom support blocks are set in the lower support channel with a fixed span of 18” for 6” beams, and with a fixed span of 12” for 4” beams, with two height adjusting spacers.
Conversion Kit Includes: One each Ball and Rod Support Base, eight Support Spring Locking Pins, two roll pins for Rod Base and one Top Support Transition Plate with 4” bearing block spacing positions. Note: Conversion Kit fits both MA-0117-A1 and MA-0119-A1 Beam Fixtures purchased between October 2013 and May 2019.