RH/Moisture Meter Kit

Meets ASTM F2170 specification.
Experts recommend the RH test as the most reliable in-depth measuring method for concrete moisture available today. The Blue Peg System measures relative humidity, temperature and dew point using a single microchip, factory calibrated to NIST standards. Each Blue Peg comes with a NIST traceable certificate.
The kit includes one Reusable RH Blue Peg Sensor, 10 – RH sleeves, meter, cable and case. In Scan Mode, the meter has a calibration built-in for comparative readings of concrete and sheetrock. For all other building materials the reference scale can be used to identify moisture. In RH Mode, this meter can also be connected to the RH Blue Peg sensor for in-situ measurements that conform to ASTM F2170.
Scan Mode Properties:
Resolution: 0.1% for entire measuring range
Measuring Depth: ¼" or ¾" deep (7 mm and 20 mm)
Reference Scale: 0-99 for non-wood building materials, 0-99 for concrete, 0.4-2.0 for gypsum
RH Mode Properties:
RH Range: 0-99%, Temp: 0 to 200 degrees F or -15 to 95 degrees C.
Unfortunately there is no recommended replacement for this product at this time.